Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dreams and Promises

When God places a dream or promise in our hearts, it often feels as though we wait forever for it to come to pass.  Joseph waited 13 years in prison before God gave him his next promotion.  We know that Abraham and Sarah had to wait 25 years for the birth of Isaac!  And there are many other examples of those who had to wait while the Lord was preparing them to accept His assignment.  Why so long?  Because God knows exactly how long it takes for us to learn the lessons He has for us.  There are certain things we must go through before we are ready to receive those promises He has made to us. 

I don't think most of us like to wait.  I don't!  But while I'm waiting, the Lord is teaching me patience among other things.  He's teaching me to trust in Him, to keep fully focused on Him and not the dream itself; I am learning that when the time is right, He will bring it to pass.

In some cases, I have been waiting many years for loved ones' salvations.  Some were saved as children, but have wandered away from God.  But I have seen two of these answers to prayer manifested in recent months.  My sister Ellen, who had lived a life of independence away from God for most of her adult life, returned to Him some months before He called her home to be with Him in July of this year.  And about a year ago, one of my other sisters began attending church again after many years of being away.  She loves her church and more importantly, has rededicated her life to Jesus and is growing daily in Him.  Thank You, Lord!

There are promises I have yet to see fulfilled, such as my husband's salvation.  But I am encouraged as I see him taking baby steps on an almost daily basis.  They may not seem like much on their own, but as I look back, I can see God's leading in His life and I know that the promise He made to me many years ago in church on a Sunday night, will come to pass.  I have other unsaved loved ones who need Jesus.  I may see this happen in my lifetime or if I go first, I may not know about it until I meet them in glory.  But I've learned to trust God and His Word (Acts 16:31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household.")  Amen!  I may not always understand why it takes so long, but I know that His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways.  (Isaiah 55:8)  I encourage myself as I read the Bible and pray daily.  And I'm also uplifted by the prayers of friends.  Aren't you thankful for praying friends? 

There are personal dreams and promises we receive from God.  I have had a dream for many years that I would be able to share my writings with others.  This is slowly beginning to happen with the creation of this blogspot.  No, I may never reach thousands or even hundreds of people, but I know that our Lord will use what I share to bless those particular ones that He places in my pathway, just as I am blessed by others' whose writings I read and follow.  In the beginning I was easily discouraged as I thought of the great number of bloggers out there ~ such competition!  Who would ever see my postings?  But I now know that God has ways and means to promote us that we know nothing about and He will see His purposes fulfilled in us.  And for that I'm truly thankful!

Dear Lord, thank You for the many dreams and promises You have given me.  Help me to savor each day as I think about Your goodness and wait on the fulfillment of these wonderful promises.  I thank You for all the changes You bring about in my life as I learn the lessons you are teaching me.  Give me patience and and a grateful heart as I see these dreams come to pass.  In Your glorious name I pray, Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Anne, I found you through The Tea Corner...just popped by and discovered your lovely friend request.

    This is a beautiful post. No, none of us enjoys waiting. We want what we want when we want it, and God's time is almost never our time. May I encourage you about your husband.

    Neither my husband or I were saved when we married; I came to know the Lord a few years after marriage, and I despaired of my husband ever being saved. He was not open at all...but in God's time (3 years), he did give his heart to the Lord, and he has since been baptized. So, don't ever lose hope!!

    Also, about your writings. I can understand that discouragement as well. While my "beautiful things" blog has over 200 followers, I have rarely had over 20 comments on a post. I read many blogs that have 30 comments on most every post, and I got discouraged. Then, I realized that I'm really writing for me anyway, so I will allow the Lord to provide the audience.

    Recently, I have more or less disbanded that blog (though not deleted, I no longer write there, and I do not have it on my profile). Instead, I am writing only on my classic movie blog...trying to share the beauty of classic movies with others. While there are over 60 followers, there are less than 10 that comment regularly. Again, I have had to let that go and realize that even if people don't comment, they may still be reading. Also, God will provide my audience as he sees fit. When we look at it that way, it's easier not to be discouraged.

    Wishing you a joyous day.

