Friday, January 13, 2012

Refreshing Prayer and Praise - Part II

Last time we thanked God for Who He is and for what He has done.  Today, we'll look at the second prayer point:

Ask God to change things in our world so heaven happens here on earth.  "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  (vs. 10).  Note:  Just a reminder that these prayer points come from Pastor Scott Bauer's article entitled "An Hour of Prayer - How Do You Do That?"  (I wouldn't want to take credit for something I didn't compose!)  The expansion of the points is all mine, however. 

The first thing we should do is pray for our family members by name and ask God to bless each one.  There are so many ways to pray for our families - prayers for salvation, healing, breaking of bondages, deliverance, needs to be met, etc.  Sometimes I've prayed general prayers for all my family members, but whenever possible, I like to name each one.  When I do this, I feel connected to them as individuals and can focus specifically on what they need.  I feel closer to them after having prayed for precise needs in their lives.  I like to close my prayers by asking God to make His love and presence felt by each one. 

Pray for your church and pastors.  This is so important!  We've been going through a time of transition in my church and have been without a senior pastor for over a year.  Last Sunday morning, a new lead pastor was announced to our congregation.  Pastor Ricky will be traveling between our church and his other church in Savannah, GA.  Because of his frequent flying, I am asking God to give him His supernatural strength, in addition to laying messages on his heart that the Lord wants him to share with all of us.  I pray that many will be drawn to Jesus and saved as they hear the Word spoken each week.  I pray that our church will continue to love, worship, obey and honor our Lord Jesus Christ and that we will continue to spread the gospel each week to the lost and hurting. 

Pray for your place of employment, school and neighborhood.  I've been retired for 4 years now and since I'm no longer working, my prayer focus is on my neighborhood and my apartment community.  I enjoy prayer walking in the mornings and asking the Lord to bless each home that I pass by.  I pray that wherever my feet shall tread will see many brought to Christ.

Pray for the city where you live.  (Jeremiah 29:7).  I like to begin with prayer for the mayor, city council, chief of police, fire chief, emergency workers and all those involved in public service.  I pray for salvation for every man, woman, boy and girl in the city of Los Angeles and that God's peace cover and surround us.  And in recent years, I've begun praying for protection for our city from terrorists and any plan of destruction thought up by the evil one.  I thank our heavenly Father that His hand of mercy is upon us and that all that the enemy would like to bring against us has been thwarted. 

Pray for the nation.  Let's keep our president, his advisors, our men and women of congress, and all those who lead and are in authority in our nation, in prayer.  I pray that as we stand in the gap for our country we will begin to see a turning back to God, with repentance and resolve to follow Him.  May God continue to bless this great nation, under Him!

Well, I haven't made any new cards in a few weeks (I hope to correct that very soon!), but I'll share another tea pot with you. 


  1. Beautiful post! The tea pot is very pretty too. I can't find your tea cup though, I see it on your image where you signed up for Tea Cup Tuesday, but I don't see it here. Did I miss the post?
    Hugs to you,

  2. Thank you, Terri and thank you for stopping by and commenting on my latest post. The tea cup photo is at the bottom of the blog entitled, "Breaking New Ground." It's about two previous posts before this one. Thank you for your interest and please stop by again.
    Love & Hugs,

  3. I stumbled upon your blog today -- and so glad I did! I also loooove anything related to tea and teapots... and love card-making too! Beautiful blog!

    And this is a great reminder to pray for big as well as little things! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you for your kind comments and for stopping by, ElleAlice! God bless you and hope you'll visit again.
